FUNNY JOKES MENU Jokes Categories | Category: Funny Lawyer Jokes Clean jokes, funny jokes, free jokes, and clean lawyer jokes and humor about lawyers, criminals, judges, the law, cops, and more. I Have To Sleep With What hicago sent its police chief, fire chief, and city attorney to a municipal management conference in Indiana. While driving through a rural area, their car broke down, and they sought assistance at a nearby farmhouse.
The farmer told them that the local garage was closed, and that they were welcome to spend the night, but that he only had one spare bed. He told them that somebody could sleep on his couch, but that one of them would have to spend the night in his barn.
The police chief announced that he would volunteer to sleep in the barn. A short time later there was a knock at the door. It was the police chief, complaining that he could not sleep. There were pigs in the barn, and they reminded him of insults that had been yelled at him, and he was too disturbed to sleep.
The fire chief stated that he would trade with the police chief, and went out to the barn. A short time later, again there was rapping at the door. It was the fire chief, who complained that the cows in the barn reminded him of Mrs. O'Leary's cow, that started the great Chicago fire. He had tried to sleep, but kept having nightmares where they were kicking over lanterns and setting the barn ablaze.
The city attorney declared, "You two are such babies. I will go sleep in the barn."
Everything seemed fine, until a few minutes later, when another knock was heard at the door. When the occupants answered the door, they found the cows and pigs.
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