FUNNY JOKES MENU Jokes Categories | Category: Funny Marriage Jokes Clean jokes, funny jokes, free jokes, and clean marriage jokes and humor about marriage, men vs. women, divorce, and more. Daisy man sat quietly reading his morning paper one Sunday morning. Suddenly, he is knocked almost senseless by his wife, who stands behind him holding a frying pan in her hand.
Man: "What was that for?"
Wife: "Why do you have a piece of paper in your pocket with "Daisy" written on it?"
Man: "Oh honey, don't you remember two weeks ago when I went to the horse races? Daisy was the name of the horse I bet on."
The wife was satisfied, and apologized for hitting him.
Three days later he is again sitting reading the paper when once again he is bonked on the head.
Man: "What's that for this time?"
Wife: "Your horse called."
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