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  Irish Ice Skating  

It is the Olympic men's figure skating. Out comes the Russian competitor, he skates around to some classical music in a slightly dull costume, performs some excellent leaps but without any great artistic feel for the music.
      The Judges' scores read: Britain 5.8: Russia 5.9: United States 5.5: Ireland 6.0
      Next comes the American competitor in a sparkling stars and stripes costume, skating to some rock and roll music. He gets the crowd clapping, but is not technically as good as the Russian. He slightly misses landing a triple Salchow and loses the center during a spin. But, artistically, it is a more satisfying performance.
      The Judges' scores read: Britain 5.8: Russia 5.5: United States 5.9: Ireland 6.0
      Finally out comes the Irish competitor wearing a tatty old donkey jacket, with his skates tied over his wellies. He reaches the ice, trips straight away and bangs his nose which starts bleeding. He tries to get up, staggers a few paces then slips again. He spends his entire 'routine' getting up then falling over again. Finally he crawls off the ice a tattered and bleeding mess.
      The Judges' scores read: Britain 0.0: Russia 0.0: United States 0.0: Ireland 6.0
      The other 3 judges turn to the Irish judge and demand in unison, "How can you give that mess 6.0?!"
      To which the Irish judge replies "You've gotta remember, it's pretty slippery out there."

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