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  House Of Ill Repute  

Pat and Mike were doing some street repairs in front of a known house of ill repute in Boston. A Jewish Rabbi came walking down the street, looked the left, looked to right, and ducked into the house.
      Pat paused a bit from swinging his pick and said "Mike...will you look at that! A man of the cloth, and going into a place like that in broad daylight!".
      A bit later, a Baptist minister came down the street, looked to the left, looked to the right, and scurried into the house.
      Mike laid down his shovel, turned to Pat and said "Pat! Are you seeing what I'm seeing? A man of the Church, and he's giving that place his custom!"
      Just then, a Catholic Priest came down the street, looked to the left, looked to the right, and slipped into the bawdy house.
      Pat and Mike straightened up, removed their hats, and Mike says "Faith, and there must be somebody sick in there."

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