FUNNY JOKES MENU Jokes Categories | Category: Funny Blonde Jokes Clean jokes, funny jokes, free jokes, and clean blonde jokes and humor about blondes, dumb blondes, and maybe some smart blondes, and more. The Blonde And The Witch here was a blonde, a brunette and a redhead at a dance together. When they went into the bathroom to check their makeup, they found an old hag.
"I am a witch, and if you look in the mirror and say one rumor that you hear about you, and that rumor is true, then you will get one wish. If it is not true, then you will get sucked into Mirrorland for the rest of eternity. Do you understand?"
They all did, and the brunette went first. "I think I am the prettiest girl at school."
"That is true. Your wish is granted."
And the brunette left the dance in a red Ferrari.
Then came the redhead. "I think I am the richest girl at school."
"That is true. Your wish is granted."
And the redhead left the dance with a hot boyfriend.
Then came the blonde. "I think..."
Before she had a chance to finish, the witch said: "You lie!!"
And she was sucked into the mirror.
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